Since iOS 9 you can’t stream videos or images to Kodi anymore. But you can still stream audio, which works pretty well.
To do so, you have to disable the video/image streaming setting in the Kodi AirPlay settings menu. Some Kodi builds – like mine – does not contain this option in its GUI which is really strange.
To alter this setting you have to stop Kodi and edit a configuration file.
I’m explaining a solution which works for XBian, but with a different path to the config file you should be able to set the setting on your machine too.
1. Stop Kodi
# service xbmc stop
2. Open file
# vim /home/xbian/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml
3. Edit following part of the file to
4. And start Kodi again
# service xbmc start
That’s it!