Linux Programmieren Web

Owncloud fail2ban setup with just one line


Fail2ban and owncloud are great tools!

To improve your security, you can ban bad guys, who want to hijack your owncloud accounts with random but common credentials, easily with fail2ban and the specific configuration for owncloud.

To make this as easy as possible for you, I wrote a shell script, which will setup everything with just one line:

Allgemein Javascript Web

Schnelltest: WhatsApp Web offenbart “zuletzt online”-Status

Sofern man selbst in WhatsApp unter den Datenschutz-Einstellungen den “Zuletzt online”-Status anderen gegenüber verbirgt, kann man diesen von anderen auch nicht einsehen.

WhatsApp Web zeigt diese Information im DOM der Seite allerdings an – manchmal jedoch zu schnell fürs Auge. Abhilfe schafft ein kleines Inject über die Dev-Konsole des Browsers, um in der Konsole den Status der anderen anzeigen zu lassen.

Allgemein Programmieren Projekte Web

Chrome ‘IP Geolocator’ extension

I have released a new Chrome extension:

IP Geolocator shows your IP address and also geolocational informations about your IP address.

A badge of your current country is shown on the icon, which will refresh every 3s. So you can easily see, if you have a broken VPN or proxy connection when the country-code changes unexpectedly.

Also you can display your position in Google Maps.

Please feel free to make some requests at github:

Find it on Chrome Web Store.

Linux Programmieren Web

Installing AMQP through PECL

It seems to be a problem to find an easy to use solution to install AMQP support for PHP through PECL. As I already mentioned, I used to build the client library on my own and it worked like a charm.

If you are having troubles installing AMQP, use the following steps to get that thingy working:

Programmieren Projekte Web

Network Indicator for Chrome!

This extension shows your incoming network data and requests in an awesome view. It's  still in development (beta) but you can find it on the chrome webstore!

Feel free to make some requests at github: