
AirPlay with iOS 10 and Kodi (only audio)

Since iOS 9 you can’t stream videos or images to Kodi anymore. But you can still stream audio, which works pretty well.

Android Web

Android system-wide ad blocking without root

[UPDATED] See also new post about this topic.

Blocking ads system-wide on an Android device isn’t that difficult. And it works without rooting your phone. Just follow the steps below and you will set it up in less than five minutes:

Projekte Web

Firefox ‘IP Geolocator’ extension

I have released the IP Geolocator extension now also for Firefox. You can find it on the Firefox Add-on page.

Please note:
If you are using NoScript or any similiar add-on you have to whitelist following URLs to make IP Geolocator work for you:

  • moz-extension:
Allgemein Android Web

Change DNS server on Android without root with Lilly DNS

I want to introduce you Lilly! Lilly is a DNS changer application for Android, which works without root-access. You can also block ads on your Android device with this!
Get it on Google Play

Allgemein Android Web

IP Geolocator on Android

I made the Chrome/Chromium Extension “IP Geolocator” also available for Android. You can find it on the PlayStore.

This app shows your current IP address and geolocational information about it.

It also notifies you, if you have a broken VPN or proxy connection, when the country-code and/or IP address changes unexpectedly. You can set an alert with a special ringtone and or vibration.

You can also display your IP position in Google Maps or check for DNS leaks via browser (external service).

Please note, that the information about your location are fetched out of a database and may not be the same as your real location. This app shows your location like the websites would match your IP to any location.

Get it on Google Play